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Długie szaty krępują ciało, a bogactwa duszę. Sokrates
I byłem królem. Lecz sen przepadł rankiem. William Szekspir (właść. William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616)
Dalsza krewna: Czy śmierć to krewna? - życia pytasz się kochanie, tak krewna, ale dalsza, już na ostatnim planie. Sztaudynger Jan
Dla aktywnego człowieka świat jest tym, czym powinien być, to znaczy pełen przeciwności. Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues (1715 - 1747)
A ludzie rzekną, że nieba szaleją, a nieba rzekną: że przyszedł dzień Wiary. Cyprian Kamil Norwid (1821-1883)
TERMIN: 17.04. - 28.04.Kalendarz [1. Runda do 6. Runda]
1. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Braga [jerzak] 0-0
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 2-0
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 3-0
Le Mans [gruby88] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 0-3
Montpellier [chraps] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-0
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 1-2
River Plate [cycu1906] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 1-2
Wolves [maki84] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-2
Bez meczu: Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9]
2. Runda
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 1-0
Braga [jerzak] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 2-3
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 0-1
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 1-2
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Le Mans [gruby88] 4-2
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-0
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 1-1
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - River Plate [cycu1906] 2-2
Bez meczu: Wolves [maki84]
3. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 2-1
Braga [jerzak] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 0-2
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 1-4
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 1-1
Le Mans [gruby88] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 1-0
Montpellier [chraps] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 0-3
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 2-0
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Wolves [maki84] 4-0
Bez meczu: River Plate [cycu1906]
4. Runda
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 6-0
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Braga [jerzak] 0-1
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 1-1
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 0-5
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 0-1
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Le Mans [gruby88] 0:3
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Montpellier [chraps] 2-1
Wolves [maki84] - River Plate [cycu1906] 1-2
Bez meczu: Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW]
5. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 1-4
Braga [jerzak] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 1-3
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 0-0
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 3-0
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 2-1
Le Mans [gruby88] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-1
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Wolves [maki84] 4-2
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - River Plate [cycu1906] 3-2
Bez meczu: Montpellier [chraps]
6. Runda
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 0-0
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Braga [jerzak] 6-3
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 0-0
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 4-0
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 2-1
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 0-3
Wolves [maki84] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-1
River Plate [cycu1906] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 0-1
Bez meczu: Le Mans [gruby88]
TERMIN: 23.04. - 02.05
Kalendarz [7. Runda do 12. Runda]
7. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 0-1
Braga [jerzak] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 2-1
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-2
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 0-6
Le Mans [gruby88] - Wolves [maki84] 0-1
Montpellier [chraps] - River Plate [cycu1906] 0-0
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 1-1
Bez meczu: FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093]
8. Runda
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 3-0
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Braga [jerzak] 1-0
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 0:3
Wolves [maki84] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 1-2
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 3-0
River Plate [cycu1906] - Le Mans [gruby88] 1-1
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 2-0
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-2
Bez meczu: Celtic Glasgow [Veritas]
9. Runda
Braga [jerzak] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-2
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Wolves [maki84] 2-2
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 3:0
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - River Plate [cycu1906] 2-1
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
Le Mans [gruby88] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 0-1
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 4-1
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-1
Bez meczu: AEK Ateny [green_man]
10. Runda
Wolves [maki84] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 0-0
River Plate [cycu1906] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 1-2
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 3-1
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 1-3
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - FC Sochaux [architekt3]
Montpellier [chraps] - Le Mans [gruby88] 3-1
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 1-1
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 1-2
Bez meczu: Braga [jerzak]
11. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - River Plate [cycu1906] 0-3
Braga [jerzak] - Wolves [maki84] 2-1
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 3-0
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Montpellier [chraps] 3-0
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 1-7
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Le Mans [gruby88] 0-0
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 2-0
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 2-1
Bez meczu: Dynamo Kijów [jaras1]
12. Runda
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 0-1
River Plate [cycu1906] - Braga [jerzak] 0-0
Montpellier [chraps] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 3-3
Wolves [maki84] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 0-1
Le Mans [gruby88] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 1-0
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 1-2
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-6
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 0-2
Bez meczu: FC Sochaux [architekt3]
TERMIN: 30.04. - 09.05.
Kalendarz [13. Runda do 18. Runda]
13. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-0
Braga [jerzak] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 1-1
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Le Mans [gruby88] 3-1
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - River Plate [cycu1906]
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 2-0
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Wolves [maki84] 0-2
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 2-4
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 1-3
Bez meczu: Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL]
14. Runda
Le Mans [gruby88] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 1-2
Montpellier [chraps] - Braga [jerzak] 1-1
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 0-2
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 1-2
River Plate [cycu1906] - FC Sochaux [architekt3]
Wolves [maki84] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 0-2
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 2:1
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 2-1
Bez meczu: OGC Nice [Artooro7]
15. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 0-1
Braga [jerzak] - Le Mans [gruby88] 1-1
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 3-1
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-3
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 0-1
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - River Plate [cycu1906] 1-0
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Wolves [maki84] 3-6
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-0
Bez meczu: Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
16. Runda
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 3-1
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Braga [jerzak] 2-1
Le Mans [gruby88] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 1:1
Montpellier [chraps] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 3-0
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 2-2
River Plate [cycu1906] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 2-4
Wolves [maki84] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 1-2
Bez meczu: Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL]
17. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 1-0
Braga [jerzak] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 1-2
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 0-3
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Le Mans [gruby88] 0-3
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Montpellier [chraps] 3-0
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 1-2
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - River Plate [cycu1906] 0-3
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Wolves [maki84] 0-0
Bez meczu: Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix]
18. Runda
Braga [jerzak] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 2-1
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas]
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 2-3
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Le Mans [gruby88] 3-0
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Montpellier [chraps] 4-0
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 1-2
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - River Plate [cycu1906]
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Wolves [maki84] 3-2
Bez meczu: Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9]
TERMIN: 07.05. - 16.05.
Kalendarz [19. Runda do 24. Runda]
19. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1]
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Braga [jerzak] 3-0
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 2-0
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 0-3
Le Mans [gruby88] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-4
Montpellier [chraps] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 3-0
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 4-0
River Plate [cycu1906] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-1
Bez meczu: Wolves [maki84]
20. Runda
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - AEK Ateny [green_man]
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Braga [jerzak] 0-0
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 3-0
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 1-0
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Le Mans [gruby88] 0-3
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-3
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 3-3
Wolves [maki84] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 1-2
Bez meczu: River Plate [cycu1906]
21. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 0-3
Braga [jerzak] - FC Sochaux [architekt3]
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-3
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 3-1
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 2-1
Le Mans [gruby88] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 3-0
Montpellier [chraps] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 1-1
River Plate [cycu1906] - Wolves [maki84] 1-1
Bez meczu: Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW]
22. Runda
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 2-0
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Braga [jerzak] 3-0
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 0-3
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 2-1
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 0-2
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Le Mans [gruby88] 2-2
Wolves [maki84] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 0-1
River Plate [cycu1906] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 2-2
Bez meczu: Montpellier [chraps]
23. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
Braga [jerzak] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 1-3
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 0-2
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 1-5
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-1
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 3-0
Montpellier [chraps] - Wolves [maki84]
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - River Plate [cycu1906] 0-0
Bez meczu: Le Mans [gruby88]
24. Runda
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - AEK Ateny [green_man]
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Braga [jerzak]
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 1-2
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 2-0
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 4-0
Wolves [maki84] - Le Mans [gruby88] 2-1
River Plate [cycu1906] - Montpellier [chraps] 0-2
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 2-1
Bez meczu: FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093]
TERMIN: 14.05. - 23.05.
Kalendarz [25. Runda do 29. Runda]
25. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-3
Braga [jerzak] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL]
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Wolves [maki84] 3-0
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-5
Le Mans [gruby88] - River Plate [cycu1906] 3-0
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 0-3
Montpellier [chraps] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 0-5
Bez meczu: Celtic Glasgow [Veritas]
26. Runda
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Braga [jerzak] 3-0
Wolves [maki84] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 1-2
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1]
River Plate [cycu1906] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 0-2
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - FC Sochaux [architekt3]
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Le Mans [gruby88] 1-1
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 3-3
Montpellier [chraps] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 2-3
Bez meczu: AEK Ateny [green_man]
27. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Wolves [maki84]
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - River Plate [cycu1906]
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix]
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 1-3
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL]
Le Mans [gruby88] - Montpellier [chraps] 1-3
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 5-2
Bez meczu: Braga [jerzak]
28. Runda
River Plate [cycu1906] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 2-0
Wolves [maki84] - Braga [jerzak]
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 0-3
Montpellier [chraps] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 0-3
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 1-0
Le Mans [gruby88] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 1-0
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL]
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-4
Bez meczu: Dynamo Kijów [jaras1]
29. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 0-3
Braga [jerzak] - River Plate [cycu1906] 0-3
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Montpellier [chraps] 3-1
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Wolves [maki84]
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Le Mans [gruby88] 3-0
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 2-0
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 2-3
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 3-0
Bez meczu: FC Sochaux [architekt3]
TERMIN: 21.05. - 30.05.
Kalendarz [30. Runda do 34. Runda]
30. Runda
Montpellier [chraps] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 3-0
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - Braga [jerzak] 3-0
Le Mans [gruby88] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas]
River Plate [cycu1906] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 3-1
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9]
Wolves [maki84] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 1-1
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-2
Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
Bez meczu: Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL]
31. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Le Mans [gruby88]
Braga [jerzak] - Montpellier [chraps]
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093]
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW]
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - River Plate [cycu1906]
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] - Wolves [maki84] 3-1
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] 0-1
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL] 4-1
Bez meczu: OGC Nice [Artooro7]
32. Runda
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 3-0
Le Mans [gruby88] - Braga [jerzak]
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 1-0
Montpellier [chraps] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1]
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - FC Sochaux [architekt3] 2-0
River Plate [cycu1906] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 3-0
Wolves [maki84] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 0-1
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL]
Bez meczu: Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601]
33. Runda
AEK Ateny [green_man] - Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] 0-3
Braga [jerzak] - FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] 0-3
Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] - Le Mans [gruby88]
FC Sochaux [architekt3] - Montpellier [chraps]
Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL]- Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] 4-2
OGC Nice [Artooro7] - River Plate [cycu1906] 2-2
Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] - Wolves [maki84]
Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix] - Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] 2-1
Bez meczu: Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL]
34. Runda
Zenit St. Petersburg [kaspro9] - AEK Ateny [green_man] 3-0
Celtic Glasgow [Veritas] - Braga [jerzak] 3-0
FC Copenhagen [MANIEK1093] - Dynamo Kijów [jaras1] 3-0
Le Mans [gruby88] - FC Sochaux [architekt3]
Montpellier [chraps] - Lokomotiv Moskwa [PLMISJONARZPL] 0-3
Olympiacos Pireus [TADZISLAW] - OGC Nice [Artooro7] 1-3
River Plate [cycu1906] - Panathinaikos Ateny [Pavlo2601] 3-0
Wolves [maki84] - Tuluza [RulezzLBT PL]
Bez meczu: Yorkshire Orange [kobutronix]