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Długie szaty krępują ciało, a bogactwa duszę. Sokrates
I byłem królem. Lecz sen przepadł rankiem. William Szekspir (właść. William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616)
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Dla aktywnego człowieka świat jest tym, czym powinien być, to znaczy pełen przeciwności. Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues (1715 - 1747)
A ludzie rzekną, że nieba szaleją, a nieba rzekną: że przyszedł dzień Wiary. Cyprian Kamil Norwid (1821-1883)
NEO BOT 8.60 with CrackNeoBot is an advanced new generation tool for Tibia who's functionality is completely external and free of the client. It doesn't send or receive packets, doesn't alter memory, doesn't inject dlls and doesn't modify the client's functionality in any way,
like most of the other tools do while exposing themselves to many risks like causing otherwise impossible behavior or performing actions at unrealistic speeds.
NeoBot was built with a strong and flexible design in mind and can skillfully perform all kinds of actions by controlling the mouse and keyboard only. Combined with its in-built randomization features and smart character control, it's behavior can hardly be told apart from that of a human.
This form of interaction has many benefits. The bot being isolated from the client entirely makes them have no effect on each other in, for example, the instance of a crash. The bot can also not perform any actions that are humanly impossible, which ensures that actions are performed in the same manner as if they were done by hand.
First released and already packed with advanced fully functional features such as healers, cavebot, targeting, scripting and screen displays, it can only mean that a handload of new amazing features will come very soon!
What else to expect from the person who created and maintained ElfBot, the bot who innovated botting in Tibia through it's many features such as navigation, stances, flexible hotkeys, on-screen displays and more?
Placing your trust into someone who has the skill and over 10 years of experience with cheats and cheat prevention in several games can't be wrong. The sequel is here.
***** ****u, jestes przyjebany... Wszedzie umieszczasz haki, jak taki jest twoj sposob na zarobek to wspolczoje. NIE SCIAGAC TEGO ! Umiesciles juz 4 boty pod 8.6 chodz niedawno bylo update i nie ma jeszcze zadnego...